Emily of the Bronte Persuasion

Sometimes I don't like my name. I think to myself... it's not very literary. It's the name of a song by Bowling for Soup about cheating on your girlfriend. It's the name of an accident prone little girl in a book I used to love as a child, (Oh Emily, that book was called). I can't think of any really inspiring characters in books I have loved who share my name either. There's a prostitute in Dangerous Liaisons who gets used as a writing desk? (Emilie)

And then I remember that one my favourite authors shares my first name. That would, of course, be Emily Bronte who wrote Wuthering Heights.

I've actually just read Jane Eyre, followed by Wuthering Heights, and I feel as though maybe I should now attempt to read some Anne Bronte, just to be fair. None of her works are on the uni reading list but Agnes Gray is short and I am about two weeks ahead. Dilemma...

The thing about reading Wuthering Heights again is that it seems like an incredibly fast paced book now. When I first read it, in year 10, I didn't get it at all. There were too many Cathy's. I enjoyed it more the second time. This time around (the third time) I actually understood everything. That's a pretty awesome feeling. And, to make things even cooler, there's a new movie in the works. Or maybe it's soon to be out, I don't know. I found this cool article. What great timing, considering I have a powerpoint presentation due in a few weeks time. Huzzah! (Revenge and Passion in Wuthering Heights, how does that sound for a title?? Pretty good, I'd warrant.)

Here's the article.

Three quick things I love about Wuthering Heights:
* The characters are thoroughly wild.
* The strange, northern English accents, i.e. that of Joseph (although my edition was printed cheaply and sometimes they typo his name to Jospeh. hehe)
* Heathcliff. Enough said.

On the not so good side is the polyphonic nature of the book. I don't understand why the tale is told from so many points of view... or rather, I do understand that it is a commitment to realism that makes it so, but I don't like it. It can be rather a cacophany at times. And Mr Lockwood is annoying. I wish he wasn't in it at all. But that is the power of the story; it outweighs the faults of its mode.

Okay, I'm going to go hunt for my copy of Agnes Gray before work. Have a good day!

What are you all reading?