Dear Writer Revisited: Letter Fourteen

Practical Matters

According to Carmel/ Virginia, it is important for us/ Writer to stay connected with the world of writing.  This can be achieved by:

* reading (because honestly, no one who hates reading should ever put pen to paper or fingers to keys)
* read reviews (and might I add, writing them)
* joining a writing organisation  (In WA you can choose from WritingWA, FAWWA, KSP and more)
* joining a writing group (hi guys!)
* going to festivals where you can meet writers and publishing types
* participating in courses (try UWA extension)

A 2013 audience should also consider
* reading blogs
* keeping their own blog and building an author platform
* following writing types on twitter (it's a great way to collect useful links)
* liking author and publisher pages on Facebook
* connecting with industry names on LinkedIn

One of the things that has really marked this year as being The Year Of Writing for me was the degree of seriousness with which I began doing all the above things.  It's truly helped.  I feel as though I am making measurable progress, and no doubt you will too!

How do you connect with the writing world?